What it really took to hit 5 figure months

What it really took to hit 5 figure months

As a mom of two myself, I know how hard it can be to carve out time to work towards your big business goals.

When I first started my business in 2016, I was juggling a new baby and a full-time job. I felt like I was constantly on the hunt for any spare time I could find to work on projects that would hopefully grow my business:

  • 30 to brainstorm new products before the baby woke up in the morning
  • 20 mins planning social media while I ate lunch
  • 15 minutes on Pinterest after I tucked the baby into bed and before I picked up around the house

I was constantly hopping from one project to the next and I had no idea whether or not I was heading in the right direction.

​It was exhausting and there were so many weeks where I felt like I spent most of my time trying to decide WHAT to do instead of actually doing anything meaningful. Maybe that sounds familiar?

​It wasn't until I sat down and took the time to really map out my goals and break them down into smaller, more actionable pieces that finally started to feel like I was making progress on the things that mattered.

Want to know what happened when I took control of my time and started working a clear plan?

In just 90 days I went from just barely bringing in any sales, to consistently hitting $5K+ months.

Fast forward 6 months (and two Clarity Planners later), and my average month is just shy of $14K, all without dramatically increasing my workload.

​I didn't wave a magic or have a post go viral on Instagram (I wish!) --

I set out my goals and then I created a clear plan to help me focus my limited time on the activities what work best for me and my business.

It sounds so simple but it's so easy to get caught up in "hustle" culture or get totally stuck with no clear idea of what to do next to move the needle in your business.

Inside the Clarity Planner you'll run through the same goal planning process I use to make sure I'm never stuck wondering what to do to next to hit my biggest business goals.

​And the monthly, weekly and daily planning pages are set up to help you stay focused on tackling each project and action step, one at a time, so you can go from stressed out and overwhelmed to calm, clear and focused on taking the next right step for you and your business.

Ready to finally build a business and life you love?

Grab the Clarity Planner here and finally have a clear plan to build a business and life you love, one productive day at a time!

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